Archive for February, 2008

Site Stuff

Friday, February 29th, 2008

When anyone come near this dog it wags its tail, wiggles its rear end and toots.



Sub scale Drones

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Sub scale drones do not cost as much when shot down. Also they are easier to retrieve from the Gulf of Mexico over which air to air tactics are practiced.Tyndall has an area that launches sub scale drones and has two or three boats that retrieve them if shot down.

Sub Scale Drone


Drone Retriever


Full Scale Drones

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

For training pilots to fight enemy planes without killing pilots in the process, the Air Force uses drones for target planes. There are full scale (actual size of a plane because it is one) drones which are the old F-4’s from the Vietnam war. These are pilotless planes identifiable by their red painted tail and wing tips and by the inverted (downward) tail fins.

In the airimg_2372.JPG

On the flight line.


Lunar Eclipse

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

On 20 Feb there was a lunar eclipise (the earth got between the sun and the moon) (doesn’t happen that often). My camera doesn’t do it justice but you can get the idea.






FamCamp Festival

Monday, February 25th, 2008

Once a season FamCamp Management puts on a wonderful festival for the campers. Unfortunately, I was sick all day but everyone said the demonstrations, music, RV models, food and the dog show were really great. Sorry I missed it. Turn head sideways again.


50th Anniversary Party

Sunday, February 24th, 2008

Getting together to celebrate an anniversary. Any excuse for a pot luck party img_2367.JPG

About 60 people attended although you could not tell it from the pictures.


Rained Out

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Happy Hackers planned outing yesterday was rained out. We drove the 65 miles to Dogwood Lakes golf course before it started raining. Then it was would it or wouldn’t it and should we or shouldn’t we? When it started to come down in buckets (the same as raining cats and dogs). Anyway we went to an outlet mall on the way home and then stopped at the “Old Mexican” Restaurant for lunch.



Last of the Tyndall AFB Tour

Thursday, February 21st, 2008

After a really good Asian Buffet lunch at the Heritage (old Officers Club) where we were treated to a Base Briefing while we ate, we toured the Physiological Training Center where we had the physiological effects of high altitude (lack of oxygen) and “G” forces explained to us.

In the high altitude chamber anyone likely to be flying at high altitude experience its effects and learn how to recognize and counter those effects.


In the “Barnay” chair we were shown how centrifical force disorients the senses. Spinning (even at a really slow speed) in one direction  when stopped gets one to think that they are going in the opposite direction even though they are not moving. This confusion, of course, makes it difficult to pilot a plane.


Still more AFB Tour

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

F-15 that shot down a Mirage during the Gulf War

Tour Group watching the sidewinder loading demonstration


More AFB Tour Weapons

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

Sidewinders on a carrier


Sidewinder on the launch rack of an F-15
